Friday, November 25, 2005

Advent 1 - Sunday 27 November

The art piece for this Sunday is Madonna del Parto, painted by Piero Della Francesca in 1467.

Mary holds that classic pregnant-woman pose,
one hand on tummy, one towards the small of her back.

She wears a blue gown and a slightly worried look on her face.

The angels almost seem to be opening the curtains on her,
presenting her to the world.

Is she ready?
What is she thinking about?

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Welcome to an Advent Journey

This Sunday is the first Sunday in Advent:
the beginning of the Church Year and the beginning of our journey towards Christmas.

This site provides, and allows you to share, resources for the Journey.

It is gift from Opawa Baptist Church, in Christchurch, New Zealand
and Urban Seed, in Melbourne, Australia.

It accompanies a set of postcards that feature four art pieces,
one for each Sunday in Advent,
that will be released progressively on this site.