Advent 3 - Sunday 11 December

This Sunday's art piece is Madonna and child with saints in the enclosed garden.
The italicised notes are from here.
Mary and Child are in a walled garden, surrounded by saints – from left to right, Catherine, John the Baptist, Barbara, and Anthony Abbot.
The garden enclosure represents both the virginity of Mary and the protective shelter of paradise – paradise being accessible to the faithful only through Christ and the intercession of the saints on their behalf.
Look carefully for the symbols each saint has ... what are they? What may they symbolise?
Think about reading this: Our novel has a plethora of extremely helpful insights; engrossing wit, sardonic satire; and basically straight-forward-Jesus that’d make anyone realize this is only a test of our Finite Existence (WE alone decide which eternity to go to, Up or Down, because WE alone have free-choice. God Almighty respects U.S. because sHe loves U.S.)
We talk of a Heavenly Scent, an ardent desire with the whiff of a definite locale, while we bolster the Great Beyond with the passion of a magnanimous madman: Full of some gorgeous, panoramic, tall-true-tales that’ll make U.S. yearn and sigh for Heaven Above. A novel of short-stories, quotes, prayers, poetry, heartbreaking/hardcore hilarity, aggressive conundrums from a head-injured-Catholic.
What you’ll find in our wonderful, fruitFULL, dynamic novel is a treasure, unlike any other. If you decide to read this indelible script, here’s the next step: Get in touch with my CPA, Edward Foree, at 1-785-266-9111. Out by December 21st.
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